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B ইউনিট || ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2006


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ব্যাখ্যা করা
দায়ী করা
দায়ী হওয়া
কথা বলা
adverbial of place
adverbial of time
adverbial of reason
adverbial of noun
everybody loves him who speaks the truth.
he who speaks the truth everybody loves him.
everybody love the boy who speak the truth
all love who speak the truth
a person who eats human flesh
a person who eats animal flesh
an animal who eats human flesh
an animal who eats bird flesh
Thomas Hardy
John Milton
Bermard shaw
Simone de Beauvior
a serious play with a happy ending
a serious play with a sad ending
a humorous play with a sad ending
a funny play with a touchy ending
a long story-dealing with brave deeds
a short story-dealing with brave deeds
medium story-dealing with trivial deeds
a long story-dealing with funny deeds
neither can't
so can't I
neither can I
so can I
sticking his eye in
pushing his face in
poking his nose in
putting his hand in
Bangla is spoken in Bangladesh.
Bangla is speaking in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is speak in Bangla
Bangla has been spoken in Bangladesh